Calculator techniques >>

Solve Simultaneous Linear Equations (for Casio fx-96SG PLUS)

The instructions works on the older Casio fx-95SG PLUS calculator as well.

Take note it only works on linear equations (powers of x and y must be equal to 1):

\begin{align*} y & = 3x - 7 \\ x & = y + 4 \end{align*}

Step 1: Manipulate the equations

Rearrange the first equation:

\begin{align*} y & = 3x - 7 \\ -3x + y & = - 7 \end{align*}

Rearrange the second equation:

\begin{align*} x & = y + 4 \\ x - y & = 4 \end{align*}

Step 2: Solve equations

Press MODE, followed by 3:

2_Equation selection.png

Press 1:

3_Enter Equation.png

Enter the first equation $-3x+y = -7$ and second equation $x - y = 4$:

For the first data, press 0 followed by =
Enter the rest of the data

Press = to obtain the value of $x$ and = again to obtain the value of $y$:

5_Value of x.png
6_Value of y.png

Once done, press MODE followed by 1 to switch back to normal operation.